Judging will be conducted from in May - July 2025. Judges will be recruited worldwide, will be invited or will apply to judge on the Stevie Awards for Great Employers web site, and if accepted will be assigned to juries for the category groups by Stevie Awards staff, based on their industry, function, and experience. A judge will not be assigned categories to which their own organization has submitted entries.
Each entry will be reviewed and rated by no fewer than five (5) judges who have been approved as qualified (by Stevie Awards staff) to judge those entries. Rating will be done on a scale of 1-10.
The average scores of judges will determine the Gold, Silver and Bronze Stevie Award winners in each category. (In the Employer of the Year categories, public votes will also contribute to the determination of the winners.)
If you would like to apply to participate in the judging process, complete the application here. Judges are profiled on the awards website and in the awards banquet program book, receive a certificate of appreciation, and are invited to join the exclusive Stevie Awards Judges group on LinkedIn. All judges who score a minimum of 50 nominations will will be entered in a drawing to win two free tickets to the September awards banquet in New York plus $1,000 toward travel and lodging expenses.