Early-bird entry fees are as follows:
Entry fees will rise $45/entry after the April 8 early-bird deadline. Entries may be still be submitted after the final deadline of May 7, up through June 11, but a late fee of $55/entry will be assessed in addition to the entry fee.
If appropriate, an entry may be entered in multiple categories; and the fees are due for each category entered. Each entry will be judged separately in each category entered. Entries submitted in multiple categories are eligible to win multiple awards.
Payment may be made by credit card, check, or wire transfer. We accept American Express, Mastercard, and Visa. Payment by check must be made in U.S. dollars by check or draft drawn on a U.S. bank payable to Stevie Awards, Inc. Non-U.S. bank checks will be returned. Please note the name of the entering organization on your check or draft.
For wire transfers to our bank, write to help@stevieawards.com for instructions.
No refunds will be made after May 7, 2025.