These categories recognize HR-related products solutions, implementations, and training programs or media since the beginning of 2023.
Nominations that won in the 2024 Stevie Awards for Great Employers may be resubmitted for consideration in the 2025 awards. If they have been updated with recent achievements, they may be submitted to the same categories in which they won. If they have not been updated, they must be submitted to categories different from those in which they won.
Solutions & Implementations | Training Programs or Media | Curated Training Platforms
The first in each pair of categories is for product or service solutions issued since the beginning of 2023. Both new and new-version solutions may be nominated. The second in each pair of categories is for implementations of those solutions.
If you are the producer of a new or new-version solution, you'll want to nominate it in the first category of the pair. If you're the end user of a solution and want to nominate your implementation of it, you'll want to nominate in the second category of the pair.
Information to be submitted online for entries in these categories in the 2025 competition include
Written answers to the following questions, describing the nominated solution or implementation since January 1 2023, OR a video of up to five (5) minutes in length that answers all of the same questions:
a. If you are nominating a brand-new product, state the date on which it was released. If you are nominating a new version of an existing product, state the date on which the update was released. If you are nominating an implementation, state the date on which the implementation was completed. Required
b. Describe the features, functions, and benefits of the nominated product, service, or implementation (up to 350 words). Required
c. For the nomination of a product or service, outline the market performance, critical reception, and customer satisfaction with the product or service to date. State monetary or unit sales figures to date, if possible, and how they compare to expectations or past performance. Provide links to laudatory product or service reviews. Include some customer testimonials, if applicable. (up to 350 words). Required
For the nomination of an implementation, outline the need or problem that was identified, why the solution was chosen, how the solution was implemented, and the results of your implementation to date (up to 350 words). Required
d. Reference any attachments of supporting materials throughout this nomination and how they provide evidence of the claims you have made in this nomination (up to 250 words). Optional
Optional (but highly recommended), add to your entry up to 10 webpage links and up to 10 document uploads to support your case to the judges. These might be press articles, press releases, videos, or images, for example.
F01 360 Degree Feedback Solution - New or New-Version
F02 360 Degree Feedback Solution - Implementation
F03 Applicant Assessment or Tracking Solution - New or New-Version
F04 Applicant Assessment or Tracking Solution – Implementation
F05 Attendance Tracking Solution - New or New-Version
F06 Attendance Tracking Solution - Implementation
F07 Benefits Management Solution - New or New-Version
F08 Benefits Management Solution - Implementation
F09 Compensation Management Solution - New or New-Version
F10 Compensation Management Solution - Implementation
F11 Course Authoring Solution - New or New-Version
F12 Course Authoring Solution - Implementation
F13 Digital Recruitment Solution - New or New-Version new category for 2025
F14 Digital Recruitment Solution - Implementation new category for 2025
F15 Employee Engagement Solution - New or New-Version
F16 Employee Engagement Solution - Implementation
F17 Employee Recognition Solution - New or New-Version
F18 Employee Recognition Solution - Implementation
F19 Employee Scheduling Solution - New or New-Version
F20 Employee Scheduling Solution - Implementation
F21 HR Reporting Solution - New or New-Version
F22 HR Reporting Solution - Implementation
F23 Human Capital Management Solution - New or New-Version
F24 Human Capital Management Solution - Implementation
F25 Human Resource Information System - New or New-Version
F26 Human Resource Information System - Implementation
F27 Human Resource Management System - New or New-Version
F28 Human Resource Management System - Implementation
F29 Job Board Solution - New or New-Version
F30 Job Board Solution - Implementation
F31 Learning Management Solution - New or New-Version
F32 Learning Management Solution - Implementation
F33 Onboarding Solution - New or New-Version
F34 Onboarding Solution - Implementation
F35 Payroll Management Solution - New or New-Version
F36 Payroll Management Solution - Implementation
F37 Performance Appraisal Solution - New or New-Version
F38 Performance Appraisal Solution - Implementation
F39 Performance Management Solution - New or New-Version
F40 Performance Management Solution - Implementation
F41 Remote Workforce Management Solution - New or New-Version
F42 Remote Workforce Management Solution - Implementation
F43 Self-Service HR Solution - New or New-Version
F44 Self-Service HR Solution - Implementation
F45 Talent Management Solution - New or New-Version
F46 Talent Management Solution - Implementation
F47 Time and Expense Solution - New or New-Version
F48 Time and Expense Solution - Implementation
F49 Workforce Management Solution - New or New-Version
F50 Workforce Management Solution - Implementation
May be blended, instructor-led, microlearning, video, or web-based.
Information to be submitted online for entries in these categories in the 2025 competition include
Written answers to the following questions, describing the nominated training program or media issued since January 1 2023, OR a video of up to five (5) minutes in length that answers all of the same questions:
a. If this is a brand-new product, state the date on which it was released. If this is a new version of an existing product, state the date on which the update was released. Required
b. Describe the features, functions, and benefits of the nominated program or media (up to 350 words). Required
c. Outline the market performance, critical reception, and customer satisfaction with the product or service to date. State monetary or unit sales figures to date, if possible, and how they compare to expectations or past performance. Provide links to laudatory product or service reviews. Include some customer testimonials, if applicable. (up to 350 words). Required
d. Reference any attachments of supporting materials throughout this nomination and how they provide evidence of the claims you have made in this nomination (up to 250 words). Optional
Optional (but highly recommended), add to your entry up to 10 webpage links and up to 10 document uploads to support your case to the judges. These might be press articles, user testimonials, press releases, videos, or images, for example.
F52 Brand Training
F53 Compliance Training
F54 Consumer Education Training
F55 Diversity or Sensitivity Training
F56 Employee Upskill/Reskill Training new category for 2025
F57 Expertise or Professional Development Training new category for 2025
F58 Interpersonal Skills Training
F59 Leadership Training
F60 Literacy Training
F61 Managerial Training
F62 New-Hire Orientation and Onboarding Training
F63 Problem-Solving Training
F64 Product Training
F65 Professional or Legal Training
F66 Quality Training
F67 Safety Training
F68 Sales Training
F69 Skills Training
F70 Systems Training
F71 Technical Training
F72 Training for Social Impact new category for 2025
F73 Wellbeing and Engagement Training new category for 2025
F74 Other
Information to be submitted online for entries in these categories in the 2025 competition include
Written answers to the following questions, describing the nominated curated training platform since January 1 2023, OR a video of up to five (5) minutes in length that answers all of the same questions:
a. State the date on which the nominated curated training platform was first made available to learners. Required
b. Describe the features, functions, and benefits of the nominated curated training platform (up to 350 words). Required
c. Outline the performance, learner reception, and customer satisfaction with the nominated training platform to date. Include some user testimonials, if applicable. (up to 350 words). Required
d. Reference any attachments of supporting materials throughout this nomination and how they provide evidence of the claims you have made in this nomination (up to 250 words). Optional
Optional (but highly recommended), add to your entry up to 10 webpage links and up to 10 document uploads to support your case to the judges. These might be press articles, user testimonials, press releases, videos, or images, for example.
F76 Consumer
F77 Industrial/Technical
F78 Managerial/Professional
F79 Technology
F80 Other